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test page for new template

Zhou Wei Wei

In recent decades, parental involvement has received much attention from countries all over the world. Parents, as important people as children, influence every aspect of children. In China, the influence of parents’ participation on children’s development is mainly concentrated in primary and middle school students, and the influence of different forms of parents’ participation on preschool children’s development is still unclear. Therefore, the impact of parental involvement on preschool children’s academic achievement needs to be further explored. This study investigated parental involvement and preschool children’s achievement through literature and questionnaire methods, found the existing problems of parental involvement, and proposed an action plan. Parental involvement is important in preschool children’s social, emotional and academic activities. Through the parents’ involvement, children’s achievement in terms of social competence, cognitive development, psychomotor development and communication skills are improved. There is a significant relationship between the extent of parental involvement and level of achievement of preschool children in terms of psychomotor development. Consequently, the greater the extent of parental involvement in their children’s activities, the higher the level of achievement of preschool children in terms of psychomotor development.

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